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How to set up Auto-Amplify?
Edgar Barrón avatar
Written by Edgar Barrón
Updated over a week ago

We are glad to introduce you... Auto-Amplify, our new feature! 🎉

If this is your first time using Adext please read these articles to get started:

So... what’s the difference between using "Auto-Amplify" and "Amplify"?

Ok, let’s make a recap, Adext AI is a dynamic audience optimization platform designed to improve your campaign performance. It works for those who have Google and/or Facebook active campaigns.

It saves time and money, as it automatically analyzes and takes budget allocation decisions according to your Ad-sets performance. Adext first goes through an exploration period where it assigns equal budgets to an initial set up of audiences, then it will adjust budgets depending on the results.

After having reached the exploration confidence of at least 80%, is where you will decide if you want to have absolute control of which audiences you want to exploit with Amplify... or you let our AI to Auto-Amplify your best-performing audiences.

With Auto-Amplify, Adext selects the best performing audiences, changes the AI Model you chose according to your optimization strategy and focuses its efforts according to the KPI provided by you in the initial set up of your Smart Campaign.

Yes! With Auto-Amplify, you just need to launch and forget 😉

Whenever you require seeing how Adext AI works, please click on the blue text to see a diagram describing each part of the process.

How to set up Auto-amplify?

You have to follow the next steps in order to Auto-Amplify your Smart Campaign:

1. Click on "New Smart Campaign"

2. Please select your campaign goal

3. Choose "Auto-Amplify", instead of "Amplify"

4. Choose the best-performing Ad Sets of your active campaign

5. Select the optimization period time. Take into account two days minimum to achieve the exploration confidence during the exploration phase.

6. Then, name your Smart Campaign

7. Choose if you want to pause or not, your original Ad Sets. It is highly recommended for you to pause your original campaign as we have seen cannibalization cases between the original and Adext AI campaigns.

8. Review and create the selection of the KPI you want Adext to focus on, considering your campaign goal

9. Choose the AI Model that best fits with your optimization strategy

10. Select the audiences you want Adext to explore. You can optionally choose which audiences to exclude according to your campaign settings.

11. Check your Ad Sets Compatibility Report. If it has any issues, you can see where the problem is and if it can be solved by you directly in your advertising platforms.

12. Choose your Adext-plan that best suits your business needs and a payment method.

( * For Adext Enterprise model, is not necessary to select the "Adext-plan")

13. Done, your campaign will be launched.

After you’ve launched your Smart Campaign, our platform will start the cloning process and the setup of the Adext clones in your advertising platforms. Then, it will start the exploration phase.

When the Smart Campaign has reached the exploration confidence, the AI will Auto-Amplify your campaign to continue the optimization process. When this happens, the AI will email you notifying that your campaign has been Auto-amplified and that now you can start monitoring your campaign performance within your Adext Dashboard.

Remember that you can check and edit the status of your campaigns, Ad Sets, AI Models, and KPIs on the Adext Dashboard at any time. Learn more here about how to edit your Ad-sets while Adext is managing them.

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