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How to read your dashboard?

Learning how to read your adext dashboard is very easy!

Adext AI Support avatar
Written by Adext AI Support
Updated over a week ago

Hey! We hope you enjoy your new dashboard with new analysis tools and charts!

First, let's see what sections it has:

Header & Smart Campaign details

At the top of the screen, you will find the section name and if you are reading the Smart campaign or Smart ad set data.

Then, you will see all your Smart campaign details like the status, advertising platform, Smart Campaign name, Smart ad set name (, the number of ads running within your campaign, ID, optimization phase (Explore AI or Amplify), and the corresponding data depending on each phase.

Below you will find the optimization period menu where you can choose the periods to analyze (by days, by dates, or by optimization phases... and yes! You can also compare between two different periods!)

🤖 👉 IMPORTANT! Consider that the selected optimization period impacts all the metrics of the dashboard.

Then, on the right side, you have the CBA ON or OFF indicator, the reports button, (download them in different formats), and the Activity log button, where you can see your campaign actions performed by the AI and by you.

Smart Campaign Overview

In this section, you will be able to see three tabs with crucial information about the performance of your campaign.

Top KPIs: you will be able to compare in a line chart the performance of the two most important KPIs for your campaign across the period you have selected in the previous section.

💡Tip: When reading the CPA, CPC, CPM charts, look for a downward trend as the goal is to lower costs. If what you are reading is CTR, Conversion rate, Conversions, or ROAS, look for an upward trend since the objective is to increase volume.

Conversion Funnel: In this tab, you will find a conversion funnel chart, where you can see the impressions, clicks, and conversion percentages of your campaign. Then, you will see the following metrics: Impressions, CTR, Clicks, Cost per click, Conversions, and Cost per conversion.

Top Demographics: In this tab, you will see the demographics performance by KPI. We have separated the data into three main charts to analyze the data and continue adjusting your strategy. They show you the performance by age range, gender, and device, depending on the metric you have selected in the "Choose per KPI" dropdown.

AI Performance Results USD

This section is where you can find the AI activity and performance per ad set/demographic. We call Smart Ad sets the ones managed by our AI to differentiate them from the traditional ad sets of your advertising platforms.

Tools section:

Watcher: With Watcher every change you make on your original campaigns and within your advertising platforms on an ad level, will be shown on Adext automatically. Learn more here.

Customize columns: Here, you can turn on and off the metrics that are relevant for each Smart campaign, depending on the objectives of each one of them. It also has a drag and drop so you can order the columns according to your needs.

Share: If you want to share this dashboard with your colleagues, managers, or clients. Just click on the " Share" button and send the link to give access to whoever you decide.

Filter by: If you have a long list of Smart ad sets, you can filter them by status to find them easily.

Edit: If you need to edit dates, budgets, status, or anything else in your Smart campaign, you can do it with this button. However, please read this article before doing it to avoid damaging the AI performance.

Search bar: If you prefer, you can also search your Smart ad sets with the search bar.

After this menu, you will see the list of Smart ad sets that make up your Smart campaign. Each Smart ad set has a purple "+" symbol where you can click to display the detail by demographics of that Smart ad set. Or, if you want to see more detailed information and charts by Smart ad set you can click on ¨More details¨.

If you want to know more about how to compare data between two periods please click here.

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