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Adext + iOS 14: Learn more about our solutions when Facebook is changing the way the industry measures attribution.
Adext + iOS 14: Learn more about our solutions when Facebook is changing the way the industry measures attribution.

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Edgar Barrón avatar
Written by Edgar Barrón
Updated over a week ago

Adext is a first-party software-as-a-service used by advertisers as an extension to their technology stack, similar to a CRM or some DSP or DMP platform. Adext continually monitors the evolving privacy regulatory and legislative landscape to identify changes and determine what tools our customers might need to meet their compliance needs, depending upon their advertising & applications, while complying with privacy regulations and platform policies, such as the ones recently introduced by Apple.

Adext’s Probabilistic Modeling is a statistical technique to estimate the aggregated campaign performance and can’t be used to uniquely identify a user and/or device (under our platform). It leverages machine learning to estimate campaign performance without compromising on privacy. We read, collect and manage all the information related to the campaign the customer choose in order to optimize the campaign as it is, we never use the information to identify customers, leads, or other types of information related that could identify users, customers that could have a benefit for other customers, we just use that data as a statistical and probability proposes to optimize our models.

Once you permit us to connect with Facebook Ads, you are authorizing us to read the required information to optimize (and manage) the accounts, campaigns, ad group or ad sets, ads, and all the variables related to get that porpoise. We need to cover the terms and conditions of Facebook to keep the relationship with them. Probabilistic modeling can provide much better-aggregated campaign performance accuracy and much better user privacy. The machine learning goal is to maximize the accuracy of the campaign’s aggregated performance.

Here you have all the variables we need to cover:

Moreover, Adext’s aggregated advanced privacy takes Facebook privacy levels as a minimum benchmark for its privacy-preserving thresholds. To that end, we believe that probabilistic modeling combined with our aggregated advanced privacy is aligned with Apple’s iOS 14 guidance and the reason why we made it the default setting. With that said, we recommend our customers review new marketing agreements and guidelines for Facebook Ads and decide how to approach their aggregated advanced privacy settings, their partners’ integrations, and data collecting policies to ensure that their ads are compliant with iOS 14 guidelines.

We leave you a couple of links to Facebook direct support, which we believe can help you with these changes:

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