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Selection and metrics of your AI Performance Results
Selection and metrics of your AI Performance Results

Learn about Adext AI customizable dashboard

Edgar Barrón avatar
Written by Edgar Barrón
Updated over a week ago

Adext has designed a dashboard you can personalize to your liking, allowing you to choose the most relevant KPIs you wish to see for each Smart Campaign you launch.

Your dashboard will show you a comparative table of the KPIs you select of your Original Ad Sets (OA), against the KPIs Top Performers of the Smart Ad Sets (SA) of the Smart Campaign optimized by Adext AI.

Your dashboard will display 2 rows: your Original Ad Set (OA) and your Smart Ad Sets (SA). These are the AI clones that combine all the micro demographics that run individually with Adext’s AI.

You can activate or deactivate your original campaign metrics (OA) on your dashboard, as well as customize the metrics on the AI Performance Results.

Remember that your KPIs must be based on the main objective of your campaign.

This table will help you focus on the best KPI based on the main objective of your campaign.




Impressions, CPC, CPM, Clicks & CTR


Conversions, CPA, Conversion rate


Conversions, CPA, Conversion rate & ROAS

The KPIs you can choose are:

In digital marketing, conversions are known as the actions that we expect the user to perform depending on the objectives of the campaigns. For example, if our goal is to generate leads, the expected action is for the user to complete our registration form and these registrations would be considered as conversion; in e-commerce or a SaaS, on the other hand, the most important conversion is direct sales. In a Google campaign running with Adext, they are calculated according to the number of total conversions of the Smart Campaign, in Facebook, we will need you to choose the custom conversions you want the AI to focus on if you select more that one, this metric will represent the sum of your selection. Learn more about Facebook custom conversions here.

Also known as Return on Advertisement Spending (ROAS) is the total purchases on the website and it is based on the value of all conversions recorded by the pixel of your advertising platforms on your website as a result of your ads. This result is calculated by dividing the purchase conversion value on the website by the total amount spent to acquire that conversion. If your metric is empty, it is because you have yet to configure the ROAS in your platforms, if you want to know how to configure your accounts so that this value is reflected in your dashboard, click here.

CPA (Cost per Action)
Cost per action (CPA) is an online advertising marketing strategy that allows an advertiser to pay for a specified action from a prospective customer such as sales or registrations. Cost per action is also known as cost per acquisition (CPA).

% Conversion Rate
Your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website or landing page that converts. These are a few common types of conversions:

  1. Making a purchase

  2. Submitting a form (contact us form, lead gen form, etc)

  3. Calling your business

  4. Engaging with your online chat

  5. Signing up for a subscription (either paid or free—like a newsletter)

  6. Registering on the site

  7. Downloading something (software trial, eBook, mobile app, etc)

  8. Using something (new/advanced feature on your software or app, simply using your software/app for a certain amount of time)

  9. Upgrading their service

  10. Engaging with your site in some way (time on site, repeat visits, number of pages visited)

CPM (Cost per Thousand Impressions)
Cost per thousand also called cost per mille, is a marketing term used to denote the price of 1,000 advertisement impressions on one webpage. If a website publisher charges $2.00 CPM, that means an advertiser must pay $2.00 for every 1,000 impressions of its ad. The "M" in CPM represents the word "mille," which is Latin for "thousands." CPM is the most common method for pricing web ads.

CPC (Cost per Click)
Cost per click (CPC) is a method that websites use to bill based on the number of times a visitor clicks on an advertisement.CPC is often used when advertisers have a set daily budget. When the advertiser's budget is hit, the ad is removed from the rotation for the remainder of the billing period.

For example, a website that has a CPC rate of 10 cents and provides 1,000 click-throughs would bill $100 ($0.10 x 1000). The amount that an advertiser pays for a click is usually set either by a formula or through a bidding process. The formula used is often cost per impression (CPI) divided by percent click-through ratio (%CTR).

CTR (Click Through Rate)
The click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of individuals viewing a web page who click on a specific advertisement that appears on the page. Click-through rate measures how successful an ad has been in capturing users' interest. The higher the click-through rate, the more successful the ad has been in generating interest.

A high click-through rate can help a website owner support the site through advertising dollars. For example, an advertisement that receives two clicks for every 100 impressions has a 2% CTR.

The total number of clicks on your online. This is the most advantageous way to purchase advertising for the advertiser because it really takes all the guesswork out of the equation.

An ad impression is simply the number of times your ad, whether it’s a banner, button, or text link has been (or will be) exposed to a potential viewer. In simple terms, this is the number of times that image appeared on any computer screen anywhere in the world.

If you have any questions, please contact us at our chat.


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